Your Spiritual Journey can only begin when your ready to start putting all your energy on you.
Some people wonder what does self love look like? It looks like making yourself a priority! Putting everyone & everything secondary.
When you start to put your energy on you, all the things that weren't serving your highest purpose will fall away.
Take note of friendships that end, people who you might even have known you for what seems like life times or soulmates or twin flames. Those who are meant to be in your life, will be!
People are like trees. I'm referencing Tyler Perry here. He says some people are only leaves and come and go. Some people are like branches, and sometimes break away. But then you got your root people who are not ever leaving you no matter what the weather is. It's your job to love yourself more when they leave. Hold yourself a bit tighter, yet don't focus on the "potential" of the woulda, coulda, shoulda. That is wasted energy.
Yet it takes courage to love yourself, it takes consistency to eat well, work out, or simply just learning to say No! I ain't gonna lie this is a hard one for me.
But it is so necessary if you want to get to living your best life! You got to put in the work of loving yourself the most.
And it's not selfish, you can still love others while loving yourself. It's as simple as scrolling threw your phone. You just switch the energy to your page.
So this quote hits home. "She turned her pain into power and her visions into Victory".
Like they say, you are one decision away from a different life. You just got to make the decision. And let go!!! I've learned it's in that moment of fear of letting go of what you're use to that you actually allow what's suppose to be in your life.
Ask yourself what kind of life are you deserving of? You are worthy of being happy! Your happiness is right there on the other side of your fear!
I hope you find the courage to move into the new world that is awaiting for you! And step into your power! I speak from experience, it is like a joy you can't explain! But it is worth risking all your fear!